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cAcB cCcD cEcF cGcH cIcJ cKcL cMcN cOcP cQcR cScT cUcV cWcX cYcZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
CASTLE PLY +castle 19
COMERAMA +castle & triangle 24
CREAM CASTLE +castle 30, 43
FORCE ONE +castle 42
FORTRESS +castle & lines 35
GAASTRA SAILS +castle 22
HOTEL SEA LORD +castle 42
HOTEL amrutha castle 30, 32
IUSHAI +castle oval & arcs 7
KENT +castle 34
castle 16
KISHKINTA +castle 12, 16, 18, 21, 22, 25, 28
KNOWLEDGE CASTLE +castle 16, 28, 41
LALMAHAL +castle 29
NAARDEN +castle 1, 3, 32
PIERRE ANDRE +castle 33
castle 37
ROYAL-castle 30
SCOOBEES +castle boy & girl 41
SCOTT castle 25
castle 19
UB castle 32
VARTELY +castle 33
W +castle 7, 37, 42
WF THE WHITE FORT +castle 42
WF THE WYTE FORT +castle 42
brandt +castle 7, 11
burgmann +castle 17
e +castle & oval 36
hotel AMRUTHA castle 3, 16, 28
hotel AMRUTHA castle +crown 11
hotel AMRUTHA castle +lions 29
hotel amrutha castle 43
vina EXTRISIMA BACH +castle 33
castor seeds MEGHA 31
NIVARANNI castor oil 29
OM brand pure castor oil 5
RAJ castor oil 29
SIBANI brand castor oil 2
TEEN TEEKA castor oil 2
castor 20
CALCHEMICO'S castorol 3
MOHIT ball castors 6
PIONEER wheels & castors 28
REGAL castors 17
REGAL castors RC 17
casual 25
casual ALLEN SOLLY +deer 25
casual CORNER 25
casual WAY 25
casual shorts ALLEN SOLLY 16, 25, 35
casual stylized ALLEN SOLLY 16, 35
3D THREE D casual wear 25
9 NINE casual 25
ALLEN SOLLY casual +deer 16
BLACK TOUCH casual shirts 25
BLUE RACE casual +arc 25
BOLTON jeans & casual 25
BOTTOM LINE casual wear 25
BURTON casual 25
CAREER casual 23
CEASE FIRE jeans & casual 25
COT-PLUS casual 25
DRUGGERS jeans and casual 25
DT DISSOT casual wear 25
DUETO casual wear 25
EXAMPLE formal & casual 25
F90 casual wear +squares 25
GAB casual & formal 25
H. STERN casual & formal 25
HANNIBAL casual +circle 25
HAQQ casual & innerwear 25
HARLEY HARSEN formal casual 25
HELLONX casual +circle 25
HSTERN casual & formal 25
ICE cool casual 25
JOY casual 25
KC KELLAR'S casual +square 25
KING casual +crown & sword 25
LA-VALISE jeans & casual 25
LAREX denim & casual 25
LEE-KEE jeans & casual 25
LEE-ZING jeans & casual 25
casual 25
MAAS MOTS cotton casual 25
MEXICO casual formals 25
MOUCHE casual +moustache 25
N.Y.P.D. casual 25
NATURAL'S premium casual 25
NAVIGATOR casual clothing 25
NAWAB casual 25
NBT casual jeans 25
NEW STAGE jeans & casual 25
NEXT casual wear 24
NO.5689 CATCH indian casual 25
NRG casual wear 25
NTIQ formal & casual 25
NTIQ formal & casual +arrow 25
NUMBERS casual 25
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